SM CA Making the next generation of PKI affordable
As part of its approach to make PKI more convenient and cost effective, SecureMethods offers SM CA . SM CA creates and packages user registrations used by SM Client to access applications protected by SM Gateway . Each registration includes an RSA public/private key pair, an X.509 certificate, and configuration information for the user. Delivery of this information is usually via secure email. With increased security SecureMethods' certificates provide the foundation for the Embedded PKI in SM Client and in SM Gateway that transparently identify and authenticate users and gateways. This approach allows each user transaction to be individually authorized and audited. Much like a passport or other physical credential, a certificate contains verified user information. From this third party identification, it is possible to grant access with greater assurance of identity. In the case of a passport, users gain physical access to a country. With a digital certificate, users are allowed access to protected files and applications. and more convenience
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